Monday, May 12, 2008

Trying Times

These times have come,
when my heart screams and shivers,
and my stomach lurches,
when I feel that my insides are adapting.

These times have come,
when my mind is a thick mist,
in which life just leaves me clueless,
and every step I make is uncertain.

I know those times will come,
when I am completely renewed,
as hope is slowly found,
and my faith, growing into a tiny mustard seed.

Fight on, surrendering.

I ask for prayers: 1. Relationship with my mom, 2. My finances- bank loans and my job. I need direction!!, 3. Let my light shine; that in all that i do, I do it God's way.

1 comment:

J said...

Hang in there, love. You are always in my prayers. And we walk this endless path together.