Sunday, April 22, 2007

FATHER, tell me what to do.

it's so difficult facing it all..................

Sunday, April 15, 2007


"FAITH is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see."
What follows the passage is the faith of the many ancients in the bible.

If i become an ancient.... is this what will be written?

By faith, Fiona who faced failures of her life,
picked herself up. Although not knowing where it will lead her to, moved on doing her best to glorify God. And for that, God was pleased and provided her with well- deserved fruits of her labour.

By faith, Fiona struggles through times of temptation. She never stopped sharing her faith and stood up for all that was right in God's eyes.

By faith, Fiona believe that God was walking with her through troubled times.

By faith, Fiona never felt discouraged in trying times. She smiled.

By faith, Fiona places everything in her life before God, setting her priorities right.

By faith, Fiona only seeks to please God, even if it means to go against her emotions.

By faith, Fiona beats her body and makes it her slave to run the race for God. And for that, God crowned her with the glorious crown of gold.

By faith, Fiona exclaims, " i am the Lord's servant, may it be as HE has said."

I want my life this way..

I pick myself up, without a hint of fear of what will happen because i live by faith.
I beat my body, and keep my face ahead, only aiming for that heavenly reward.
I struggle, but i hold on to my Father, and i brave through.
I safeguard my soul, completely pure.
I dream, to be God's good little servant.

And when i finish my test of life, I smile.
Because i see my Father, and he smiles at me.

i love you, dad.

Monday, April 02, 2007

Too many sorries..


perhaps this word is now void of its meaning.
because i've said it one too many times.

it happens everyday,
and Fiona wonders... why does she just have to always react in the worst way?
So many words to say..
But i just have to make the comments i make gray.

My life just isn't right.
and just LIFE.

and now, my words just have to come in the way.

LORD, help me to know what to say and do.
To do them the RIGHT way.

Father, give me strength!!