Worship the Lord with gladness;
come before him with joyful songs.
Know that the Lord is God.
It is he who made ME and I am his;
I am his people, the sheep of his pasture.
Psalm 100:1-3
Thank You for giving me air to breathe.
Thank You for making me Fiona Neo Shi Hui.
Thank You for my mom, my sister, my brother, even my dad.
Thank You for shelter over my head.
Thank You for medicine when i am sick.
Thank You for education i can receive.
Thank You for a school i can go to.
Thank You for my comfy bed.
Thank You for wonderful music.
Thank You for the cello.
Thank You for food that satisfies my hunger.
Thank You for chocolates.
Thank You for the trees that grow and flowers that blossom.
Thank You for the wind that soothes.
Thank You for the sun that brightens.
Thank You for the moon that embraces the night.
Thank You for the stars that bring direction.
Thank You for english that can be expressed.
Thank You for people that care.
Thank You for friendships in my life.
Thank You for role models, teachers and my disciplers.
Thank You for times that i can cry.
Thank You for times where there are laughter.
Thank You for times that i struggle.
Thank You for times when everything seems a breeze.
Thank You for angry times.
Thank You for my rebellious times.
Thank You for times i get spanked cos i learn.
Thank You for creating TIME.
Thank You for times that were hard.
Thank You for beautiful moments.
Thank You for memories.
Thank You for your unconditional love despite my selfishness.
Thank You for your forgiveness despite the many times i was unforgiving.
Thank You for listening despite me being so disobedient.
Thank You for always blessing me despite my ungratefulness.
Thank You for your abundant promises.
Thank You for sacrificing for me.
Thank You for saving me.
Thank You for never forsaking me.
Thank You for creating my inmost being, for evry cell in my body that functions, for every organ and fibre i have.
Thank You for my heart that beats.
Thank You for everything.
Even the sky.....

O lord, i cant thank You enough.
Dad, can't i live with you now? That home beyond the clouds?
I can't wait to be there!
Dad, but i'll wait, if you say so.
It's a long journey indeed, to the clouds and beyond.
BUt i am glad, you are watching over me..
With this, never will i be afraid.
Because i know,
"even when i walk through the valley of death,
I will fear no evil,
for you are with me."
Thanks dad. Can't live without you in my life.
The uncertainties that lie ahead..
Guide me papa.. cos i'm as aimless as a sheep.
Dad, can't i live with you now? That home beyond the clouds?
I can't wait to be there!
Dad, but i'll wait, if you say so.
It's a long journey indeed, to the clouds and beyond.
BUt i am glad, you are watching over me..
With this, never will i be afraid.
Because i know,
"even when i walk through the valley of death,
I will fear no evil,
for you are with me."
Thanks dad. Can't live without you in my life.
The uncertainties that lie ahead..
Guide me papa.. cos i'm as aimless as a sheep.
my utmost gratitude.
I Love You.
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